Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Wearing a T Shirt Inside Out


What do you focus on when sharing your business?

Do you talk about you and what you do?  How it helps you to grow the team?

Maybe switch your focus from from “all about ME” to “What can I do for YOU.”

Switch from being one out of a million network marketers spamming your link to a network marketing authority and trainer who provides free educational marketing for struggling network marketers and things took off from there…

Here's a little funny story I read written by Erik Christian Johnson of how people think and work...

"The other day I went out in public for a few hours.

I visited a few people and we talked a lot. As I went into the bathroom I looked in the mirror and noticed my shirt was on inside out.

I laughed to myself of how oblivious I was, but then it dawned on me that nobody said anything.

No one noticed my shirt. It wasn’t important to them because they were too busy thinking about their agenda, and that’s how network marketers are. They want to know how YOU can help THEM.

So, when you make this transition from a prepubescent spammer to mature problem-solver for the masses your business will explode.

Of course it takes time to grow your online brand, but it will save thousands of hours when you realize your downline keeps disappearing because you prospected amateurs who wanted “quick money.”

I am here to help you every step of the way.  Let me know how I can do that.

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