Thursday, April 18, 2013

Activation code for huge new opportunity...get in on ground floor!

Get in on the ground floor...

There is a global app coming out and it's not like those other apps you might have seen... this is a whole other ball game...

A few days ago someone whose judgement I really trust came to me and gave me a lotof inside info and the decision was easy...all I can say is... you want to make sure you pay close attention to this.

Now, I've signed a NDA and can't sharedetails with you unless you ask me firstto send you a "special invite" that onlylast up to 24 hours, plus I can only invitea few people at a time.

If you want to be invited... please email me at and put in the subject..."I want an activation code"
...and in the body put in your name,email and cell phone number with country code (if you prefer to get an SMS).

Also explain to me why I should invite you first... I will then go through all request one by one... and enter the first 5 whohave the best reasons why you should get a invitation first.

When I send you the invite code, it willwork for 24 hours. After it expired, Iwill reset your code and invite the nextperson and so on.

So, don't request and then not pay attentionand make sure you check your spam folder ifyou request it to be send via email.

This is a lot of manual work and require meto spend a lot of time... so, please don'twaste it if you are not serious. :)

To your success in business & in life!

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