I know you're probably busy but I wanted to tell you about a cool
new free service that I think will really help you out.
TrafficDial is a one-of-a-kind marketers "co-op" that delivers ...
==> Engaged visitors to your website or landing pages, PLUS
==> Feedback from other marketers to help improve your marketing
It's kind of like a traffic exchange - but for serious marketers.
Rather than "hit and run", visitors from TrafficDial will spend
up to 5 minutes or more using and interacting with your site ...
... and when they're done - aside from potentially becoming a new
lead or customer - they'll review your site and leave you feedback!
And don't worry - you don't need to spend hours "surfing" either.
About 5 minutes a day is all it takes to use TrafficDial.
Check it out and let me know what you think: